$ 1,000Shirt: Almond pink pure khaddi silk short shirt with vertical lines of gota and colourful thread work
Bottom: Almond pink pure cotton plain crushed gharara
Dupatta: Almond pink pure organza dupatta with four side colourful patti finishingFabric:
shirt: pure khaddi silk,
crushed gharara: pure cotton,
dupatta: pure organza
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 640Shirt: Mustard yellow pure cotton silk sleeveless upper shirt with gota work on body and tassels on sides, pure grip silk crushed inner pishwas with thick border of tilla and gota work on gher
Bottom: Lime green pure grip silk crushed Dhaka with thick border of tilla and gota work
Dupatta: Saffron pure cotton silk dupatta with four side hot pink gota finishing
pishwas: pure cotton silk/pure grip silk,
crushed Dhaka: pure grip silk,
dupatta: pure cotton silk
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 620Shirt: Almond pink pure khaddi silk short shirt with vertical lines of gota and colourful thread work
Bottom: Almond pink pure khaddi silk plain shalwar
Dupatta: Tri coloured pure cotton silk dupatta with four side hot pink gota finishing
shirt: pure khaddi silk,
shalwar: pure khaddi silk,
dupatta: pure cotton silk
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 620Shirt: Mint green pure raw silk shirt with mauve applique and gota work with small side slits
Bottom: Mint green pure raw silk plain ijaar
Dupatta: Mauve pure organza crushed dupatta with hot pink gota finishingFabric:
shirt: pure raw silk,
Ijaar: pure raw silk,
Dupatta: pure organza
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 600Shirt: Burnt orange pure raw silk short shirt with ari and tilla gota work
Bottom: Burnt orange pure grip silk crushed lehenga with gota and jamavar finishing
Dupatta: Burnt orange pure organza dupatta with four side maroon gota finishing and kaamdani all over
shirt: pure raw silk
crushed lehenga: pure grip silk,
dupatta: pure organza
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 600Pishwas: Pink pure grip silk crushed pishwas with gota lines and pure raw silk body and sleeves consisting of gota work
Bottom: Pink pure grip silk crushed dhaka pajama with gota lines
Dupatta: Tri coloured pure organza crushed dupatta with gota lines on pallooFabric:
pishwas: pure grip silk/pure raw silk,
crushed dhaka pajama: pure grip silk,
dupatta: pure organza
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 600Shirt: Parrot green pure raw silk shirt with applique and gota work
Bottom: Parrot green pure grip silk crushed lehenga with gota finishing
Dupatta: Parrot green pure organza dupatta with four side applique and gota work along with gota work on 4 cornersFabric:
Shirt: pure raw silk,
Crushed Lehenga: pure grip silk,
Dupatta: pure organza
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 540Shirt: Ivory pure raw silk short shirt with gota work
Bottom: Dusty pink pure raw silk shalwar with gota lines
Dupatta: Mint green pure organza dupatta with four side gota finishing
shirt: pure raw silk,
shalwar: pure raw silk,
dupatta: pure organza
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 500Shirt: Mustard pure maple raw silk shirt with ari work paiselys and gota work on neckline and sleeves
Bottom: Mustard pure khaddi silk ijaar with thick ari work border and gota finishing
Dupatta: Lime green pure cotton silk dupatta with four side thick ari work border, gota finishing and kaamdani all over
shirt: pure maple raw silk,
ijaar: pure khaddi silk,
dupatta: pure cotton silk
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.
$ 500Shirt: Ivory pure maple raw silk shirt with ari work paiselys and gota work on neckline and sleeves
Bottom: Ivory pure khaddi silk ijaar with thick ari work border and gota finishing
Dupatta: Rust pure cotton silk dupatta with four side thick ari work border, gota finishing and kaamdani all over
shirt: pure maple raw silk,
ijaar: pure khaddi silk,
dupatta: pure cotton silk
No customization in color, size or design is allowed.